Questions to ask Russian ladies when dating online

Ksenia L.
4 min readAug 25, 2021


When you start dating Russian women on the internet, you start a dialogue that could lead to the beginning of a new relationship. This is why the questions you pose are so important.

Russian women who join international dating sites want to meet men from other countries since they are having difficulty finding someone in their own country.

According to the official data, there are only 866 males for every 1000 females in Russia. This sad demographic disparity is the main reason why some Russian women have chosen to seek spouses overseas.

The reasons why males in Russia have a substantially shorter life expectancy are rooted in a society that encourages excessive risks and a high frequency of binge drinking, which leads to numerous accidents. Risky behavior is viewed as “manly” and encouraged, whereas ladylike behavior is praised in females.

In Russia, the desire to be a good wife and mother is instilled in females from childhood, which is why women see marriage and family as important ideals to keep. Knowing this, you can probably guess what kinds of inquiries would make a Russian woman feel at ease and regard you as a good match.

What kind of questions should you avoid asking to win the favor of a Russian woman?

The majority of potential partners ask girls standard questions such as, “What sort of work do you have?” or “What’s the point of hunting for a man in another country?”

It’s not only frustrating to be asked the same questions all the time, but it also gives the woman the impression that you’re interviewing her and don’t believe her intentions of simply looking for a perfect match.

Also, don’t inquire as to how her previous relationship ended, her financial situation, or whether she has any health issues. Save those questions until you’ve gotten to know each other a little better. Questions on religion or politics are likewise off-limits.

So, if you do understand her circumstances and admire her courage in posting her profile on an international dating site, you should ask her questions of a completely different type.

Russian women have so many wonderful qualities, and it’s easy to see why they’re so sought after when you start your online chat with one of them.

Here are some great questions to ask a Russian girl you’ve met on a dating site:

  • How do you say “Hello” in Russian? This is a fantastic question to ask a Russian woman since it shows her that you care. Taking an interest in her culture will help you start a nice dialogue. You’ll almost certainly run into issues with stuff getting lost in translation. She’s probably trying to learn your language, therefore it’ll mean a lot to her if she sees you doing the same.
  • Tell me about your family. For Russian women, family is the most essential thing. Russians frequently live in intergenerational households, with mothers and grandmothers helping to raise children. When it comes to talking about her family, especially her mother, she will be ecstatic. Her mother taught her everything she knows about culture and her ambitions. If you inquire about her family, you will almost certainly elicit much more information.
  • What is your favorite part of Russian culture? For Russian women, culture is a huge part of their lives. Russia is a country steeped in heritage. Many holidays and facets of life are centered on traditions. This may be a difficult topic for her to answer because there are so many different aspects to culture.
  • What’s your favorite recipe? For Russian women, cooking is more than just a hobby; it is a way of life. It is customary for mothers and grandmothers (babushkas) to teach all of the traditional Russian dinners to their daughters. She’ll become an expert on things so that she may pass them down to her children one day.
  • What do you expect from a relationship? Russian women place a high value on relationships. They yearn for long-term relationships and marriage. Their overarching desire is to start a family. When you have this talk, she will most likely tell you that she is searching for a long-term relationship that will lead to marriage.
  • What are some of your superstitions? Russian culture is steeped in superstitions. This is a terrific question to ask Russian females because it can teach you a lot about Russian customs. These superstitions have been passed down through folklore since Russian culture is so traditional. She will like telling you the stories and teaching you about her culture.
  • What is the best time of the year to visit your city? Show your desire to travel to her country. Even if you don’t see yourself traveling to Russia at this moment, you might start talking about a future trip and explore possible itineraries.

Here are some more questions to ask a Russian girl when dating online:

  • What is your favorite flower?
  • What do you do on weekends?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learned so far?
  • What is your greatest dream?
  • How essential is marriage to you?
  • What is it that you can never forgive a man for?
  • Are you a good dancer?
  • Do you believe in true love?
  • Do you have a close relationship with your family?
  • Do you like to cook?
  • What is the most crucial decision you’ve ever made?
  • Describe what friendship means to you.
  • Do you like traveling?
  • Do you like sports?
  • What is your favorite book?
  • What is your favorite place on Earth?

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