Women from Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Ksenia L.
3 min readJun 14, 2021


Rostov-on-Don is one of Russia’s largest cities and the capital of the country’s southern region. It has a developed culture and education, as well as a generally stable demographic situation — it presently has a population of over a million people, making it the tenth most populous city in the Russian Federation. Rostov has traditionally held a distinctive place in Russian life due to its unique geographical location, with links to 5 different oceans (the Black Sea, the White Sea, the Baltic, the Sea of Azov, and the Caspian Sea).

Rostov-on-Don is a city with a distinct personality. It is vibrant, multicultural, and has a rich history and culture. Here, historic detached houses coexist with glass skyscrapers, the summer heat is replaced by snowy winters, and people are temperamental and welcoming in a southern sense. It is not essential to spend your entire life in Rostov to learn about the city; yet, there is sufficient to visit it once to fall in love with it.

Another feature that distinguishes Rostov-on-Don is its female population. Russia is a multinational, vast country, and the people of each region have a distinct mentality that differs significantly from the “all-Russian” mindset.

Rostov-on-Don women have a highly distinct and appealing appearance. This is largely owing to the city’s location at a crossroads of routes from Asia to Europe. According to genetics, the mixing of diverse bloods resulted in favorable modifications in the look of the residents, which were passed down through generations. Furthermore, there are numerous prize-winners of global and Russian beauty contests among Rostov women: names like Victoria Lopyreva, Natalya Nikolaeva, and Tatyana Kotova are still heard, and these are just the most prominent winners.

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Rostov is considered the educational center of the southern region, and, therefore, is a city of students. There are over 20 universities offering almost 400 study programs in Rostov-on-Don. As a result, the majority of the local girls have a higher education, and many of them have several degrees.

Rostov-on-Don women are known for their responsiveness, compassion, and friendliness. Foreigners note that the locals are ready to help them, even if they themselves did not ask for help. Perhaps this is due in part to the city’s geographical location and historical significance: Rostov has always been a multicultural city at the crossroads of all trade routes, and hospitality and civility have been a hallmark of its residents.

According to the surveys, more than 40% of Rostov-on-Don inhabitants believe that their happiness is solely dependent on themselves, on how hard they work, and not on external circumstances. Rostov women aspire to self-improvement, movement, and perhaps business. The majority of the females in this city are neither mercantile nor willing to spend their entire lives on maternity leave.

Despite their reverence for the traditions of their society, Rostov women are open to new ideas and trends. Because they are used to living in such a diverse city, they quickly find common ground with foreign men and express genuine interest in them.

Originally published at https://www.cuteonly.com.

